Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Teeth of the common misconceptions and accurate information

MYTH: There is no harm if a person uses another toothbrush What actually happened: the toothbrush should be used to separate each one. There are bacteria in our mouths for everyone. Many of the necessary and many of these harmful. But they are also related to the physical condition. Brase tooth bacteria can take time and it generally can not be washed. So with one another tooth brush can be majale bacteria.  MYTH: All the works Mouth oyasai What actually happened: many different kinds of materials such as toothpastes, mouth wash are available in a variety of rich. Unlike their effectiveness and benefits. Mouth Wash all types of people can not all be used. Dry mouth, or who are suffering from mouth ulcer Mouth Wash the rich should avoid alcohol.  MYTH: loud is good clean teeth whitening majale What actually happened: the health of the teeth and gums, the teeth for two minutes twice a day is enough for the experts majai. Majale teeth and gums at the base raktaksaranasaha loud can cause damage to teeth. So brush with soft brase should not weigh too much. And the teeth of medium-soft brush is better to use. However, depending on the condition of the teeth and gums, and some doctors may recommend a different type of brush to use. If you feel any problem teeth and gums so dentists face medical advice.
"Before going to sleep at night, playing the fruit is clean teeth 'or' Mouth oyasai all work the same kind of dental health is often heard many things. But what is the truth of these words of the teeth of the confusion lies on what was the cause of many headaches.
Healthier teeth care products, Swedish institute tepera a recent survey, researchers found that many people with vague ideas of general dentists look after. The UK has some issues that came up in the survey on phimelapharsta.
 MYTH: to clean the teeth before going to bed eating fruitsWhat actually happened: the results of the necessary nutrients that we receive from God. As a result there is a lot of stuff, but lots of sugar or sugar is not good for the teeth. Dental plaque at the base of the fruit sugar and acid or 'stone' helps bacterial responsible for moving. So, before going to sleep at night to eat the fruit, but of course that will take the tooth brush.
MYTH: There is no harm if a person uses another toothbrushWhat actually happened: the toothbrush should be used to separate each one. There are bacteria in our mouths for everyone. Many of the necessary and many of these harmful. But they are also related to the physical condition. Brase tooth bacteria can take time and it generally can not be washed. So with one another tooth brush can be majale bacteria.
MYTH: All the works Mouth oyasaiWhat actually happened: many different kinds of materials such as toothpastes, mouth wash are available in a variety of rich. Unlike their effectiveness and benefits. Mouth Wash all types of people can not all be used. Dry mouth, or who are suffering from mouth ulcer Mouth Wash the rich should avoid alcohol.
MYTH: loud is good clean teeth whitening majaleWhat actually happened: the health of the teeth and gums, the teeth for two minutes twice a day is enough for the experts majai. Majale teeth and gums at the base raktaksaranasaha loud can cause damage to teeth. So brush with soft brase should not weigh too much. And the teeth of medium-soft brush is better to use. However, depending on the condition of the teeth and gums, and some doctors may recommend a different type of brush to use. If you feel any problem teeth and gums so dentists face medical advice.


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