Monday, June 8, 2015

R.U.D (Rational use of drug)

*According to WHO- rational use of drug requires that patients receive medications appropriate to their clinical needs, in doses that meet their own requirements for an adequate period of time, and the lowest cost to them and their community.
*Rational use of drug is based on SANE criteria and Rule of rights.

SANE Criteria

* Safety
* Affordability
* Need
* Efficacy

Rule of Rights

The right drug being given to the right patient at the right time with the right dosages.

Rational Prescribing

Guide to good prescribing, a new WHO training manual is an example of one such approach, teaching skills that are not time limited. Students learn how to develop a set of first choice of drugs, drawing on a wide range of authoritative drug information. Students not only learn how to use drug rationally but how to consult, understand and use existing treatment guidelines intelligently and where necessary to adapt them to the individual patient. In under- and postgraduate medical curricula of Bangladesh,  have already introduced the teaching of rational prescribing. Several workshops on that aspect have already been done successfully.


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