Thursday, June 11, 2015

Conservative Management of Traumatized Anterior

Patient came < 60 mins with tooth kept in storage medium-
In case of OPEN apex….
Clean the socket first with water spray or normal saline and never hold root surface of the tooth.
Sock the tooth in Doxyclycline for 5 minutes.
Then re-planted the tooth with slight digital pressure.
Apply flexible splint for 2 weeks
appexification is recomanded.
In case of CLOSE apex…

Conservative Management of Traumatized Anterior

Patient came > 60 mins with tooth not kept in storage medium-

Debribe with soft pumice pro , gauge, gentle scaling , 3% citric acid for 5 minutes,  2% NaF for 5-20 mins/ cover the root with Emdogain before replantation.

Adjuvente therapy-  Antibiotic & Analgesics.
                           Tetanus prophylaxis.
Patient advice- Soft diet upto 02 weeks,
                   Gentle tooth brushing.
                   M/w:-  1% twice daily for 1 week.


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