Saturday, June 27, 2015

Acute pain in the ears of the urgent work to do 6

Acute pain the ears of the urgent work to do 6
Attack bacteria, allergy, cold, water into the ears, ear pain accident, fungus, acne problem in the ear, ear to ear disease, including acute pain may be due to various reasons. Many painful earache.
Oh this time or any other finger or a cotton bud in the ear of the things that can not be inserted. Some of the treatment to reduce the pain of the ear can be easily domesticated. It is possible to very quickly get rid of ear pain. If this does not work, then get immediate medical attention.

Hot steam

Or a bottle of hot bag, hot water or a thin cotton cloth soaked in hot water to hold the ear. Hot vapor into the ear of the ear, the blood will increase. It will relieve ear pain.

Garlic and sesame oil

Antibiotics attack bacteria garlic ingredient ear pain upasame work. Two tablespoons sesame oil, 1 teaspoon garlic smashed or 3 minutes to boil. Let cool and strain the garlic with the oil. 21 drops of the oil in the ear through the oil cooler. The pain can be reduced.


Other ayantiinaphlemetari material upasame quick ear pain is quite effective. Contuse or 3 drops of ginger juice of the fresh ear through the day. To relieve pain. Also, ginger and sesame oil, enhanced oil smashed into the ear can, is still working well.

Olive oil

Olive oil is warm. While lukewarm 3-4 drops of olive oil into the ear with the dropper. It will be released from the pain of an ear infection caused by too fast.


Onions are many effective antiseptic. Great Onion or chip brush with the juice of 3/4 a day at least 3 times will drop into the affected ear. The ear pain will go away.


Stay with salt and fry in a pan. Remove from the oven when it is dark brown salt retention with a clean cloth wrapped the ear, this salt is heated to vaporization. It will relieve ear pain immediately.



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