Thursday, June 4, 2015



      Occlusal reduction : One of the most important features for providing adequate bulk of metal and strength to the restoration is occlusal clearance.
         For gold alloys- 1.5 mm clearance on the functional cusp (lingual of maxillary molars and premolars and buccal of mandibular molars and premolars ).
         1mm clearance on the nonfunctional cusp.

 Occlusal Reduction   
Occlusal Reduction

         The basic inclined plane pattern of the occlusal surface duplicated to produce adequate clearance without over shortening the preparation.
         A flat occlusal surface may over shorten the preparation.
Inadequate Occlusal Reduction
  Makes the restoration weaker.         will not provide adequate space to allow good functional morphology under the anatomical grooves. 
The restoration easily perforated by finishing procedures or by wear in the mouth.


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