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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Teeth of the common misconceptions and accurate information

MYTH: There is no harm if a person uses another toothbrush What actually happened: the toothbrush should be used to separate each one. There are bacteria in our mouths for everyone. Many of the necessary and many of these harmful. But they are also related to the physical condition. Brase tooth bacteria can take time and it generally can not be washed. So with one another tooth brush can be majale bacteria.  MYTH: All the works Mouth oyasai What actually happened: many different kinds of materials such as toothpastes, mouth wash are available in a variety of rich. Unlike their effectiveness and benefits. Mouth Wash all types of people can not all be used. Dry mouth, or who are suffering from mouth ulcer Mouth Wash the rich should avoid alcohol.  MYTH: loud is good clean teeth whitening majale What actually happened: the health of the teeth and gums, the teeth for two minutes twice a day is enough for the experts majai. Majale teeth and gums at the base raktaksaranasaha loud can cause damage to teeth. So brush with soft brase should not weigh too much. And the teeth of medium-soft brush is better to use. However, depending on the condition of the teeth and gums, and some doctors may recommend a different type of brush to use. If you feel any problem teeth and gums so dentists face medical advice.
"Before going to sleep at night, playing the fruit is clean teeth 'or' Mouth oyasai all work the same kind of dental health is often heard many things. But what is the truth of these words of the teeth of the confusion lies on what was the cause of many headaches.
Healthier teeth care products, Swedish institute tepera a recent survey, researchers found that many people with vague ideas of general dentists look after. The UK has some issues that came up in the survey on phimelapharsta.
 MYTH: to clean the teeth before going to bed eating fruitsWhat actually happened: the results of the necessary nutrients that we receive from God. As a result there is a lot of stuff, but lots of sugar or sugar is not good for the teeth. Dental plaque at the base of the fruit sugar and acid or 'stone' helps bacterial responsible for moving. So, before going to sleep at night to eat the fruit, but of course that will take the tooth brush.
MYTH: There is no harm if a person uses another toothbrushWhat actually happened: the toothbrush should be used to separate each one. There are bacteria in our mouths for everyone. Many of the necessary and many of these harmful. But they are also related to the physical condition. Brase tooth bacteria can take time and it generally can not be washed. So with one another tooth brush can be majale bacteria.
MYTH: All the works Mouth oyasaiWhat actually happened: many different kinds of materials such as toothpastes, mouth wash are available in a variety of rich. Unlike their effectiveness and benefits. Mouth Wash all types of people can not all be used. Dry mouth, or who are suffering from mouth ulcer Mouth Wash the rich should avoid alcohol.
MYTH: loud is good clean teeth whitening majaleWhat actually happened: the health of the teeth and gums, the teeth for two minutes twice a day is enough for the experts majai. Majale teeth and gums at the base raktaksaranasaha loud can cause damage to teeth. So brush with soft brase should not weigh too much. And the teeth of medium-soft brush is better to use. However, depending on the condition of the teeth and gums, and some doctors may recommend a different type of brush to use. If you feel any problem teeth and gums so dentists face medical advice.

To learn the proper way to floss your tooth

To learn the proper way to floss your tooth
We all know the importance of dental care brush. Properly brush your teeth at least two times in a day-night, if you do not have the possibility of severe damage to teeth. Tooth enamel decay, the cavity, gum problems. But dental care is important not only to the brush. Brush thing is to floss has been involved with the gums.

That is the accumulation of food particles between your teeth and gums if you do not floss, it is not so. As a result, the probability of damage to brush teeth after the remains. Brush your teeth, floss teeth, as well as to the importance that should be allowed.
 Dental Floss is available to buy in stores. If you bought it is not possible to use clean, lustrous thread. Let's learn the proper way to floss the teeth to the regulations.

1) the amount of floss about 1 foot to twist the thumb side of the finger. Put two fingers in the two-inch gap in the teeth with floss to floss. In the two volumes of the floss into the stagnant khadyakana phamkaya out.
(Ii) for each dental floss and take out. With this part, do not floss twice.
(3) too much pressure on teeth and gums to floss the teeth, do not rub or loud.
(4) may be a way to cut the gums around the gums do not take too much.
(5) At the end of the floss will certainly make a good gargle.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Know something of a blow to the mouth

Know sonething of a blow to the moth
In addition to a range of mouth dantyaroga common problem that occurs is that it is a blow to the face. That the lips, throat, tongue or roof of the mouth ulcers can be said to lead to the creation of the wound. This is a serious chronic disease, but in most cases temporary, and may take the form of common. Many reasons could be a blow to the face, such as

The blow caused by bacteria

Alasaretibha jinajibhaitisa gum disease is caused by inflammation and wounds. Two types of bacteria causing the disease. This rapage the pain of gum disease is bad breath. Fever is the body. Swelling of the jaw that limaphaglyanda down.

Fungal disease

For example, one type of fungi in different parts of the face tongue, cheek lining, causing the accumulation of white. When you blow up this cover can be seen. If unclean lips, and if the old dirty denacara face as a result of taking a long time ayantibayatika fungus build up. Children and the elderly are more of the blow.

Liver disease

Virus attacks are a blow to the face and lips. With pain and fever. One type of the virus due to the blister and burst into the blow.

Injury blow

No reason to brush, bone or from Fishbone lips, throat or tongue, which may cause cut wounds. It can be easily recovered. The germs become infected or broken teeth, bite, and loose teeth are constantly broken by a sharp denacara by the chronic disease may take the form of cancer.

Chemical or blow osudhajanita

Alkali or acid may be a blow to the face of any toxic substance grids. Playing and using diaper teeth white lime, ayantibayatika when used for a long time, in any part of the face of aspirin for the pain in the teeth of the tablet may be a blow to the face. Beverage or food can be heated to receive the blow in the face.

The blow caused by vitamin deficiency

Vitamin B deficiency may be a blow in the face of various kinds. In some cases, the tongue becomes smooth skin. Vitamin C deficiency disease scurvy sores and bleeding gums.

Unknown karanajanita blow

Ayathapasa blow, lips, tongue, gums and the roof of one or more of the pain of this disease can be big or small. Although the exact cause is not known, it reinforces some things, such as constipation, smoking, anxiety, insomnia, etc. Sores around the surface of the white and red is gorgeous. Usually one week to recover from this blow. The blow caused a rapid increase in a lot of time and heal the wounds of late.

Kyanasarajanita blow
Cancers of the mouth, tongue, mouth ulcers appear as the first. Physical and chemical tensions continue to blow any general or may take the form of cancer and chronic injuries.
Mouth cancer, but the exact cause is unknown, there are some things too, such as lime, white drink mix, rose to the teeth, especially the dozens of cigar smoking and drinking non-atyadika siphilasa disease, malnutrition, and general debility or indirectly helps in the creation of this cancer. The rubber used denacare broken and the top of the party's suction can be a blow to the roof of his cancer.

Acute pain in the ears of the urgent work to do 6

Acute pain the ears of the urgent work to do 6
Attack bacteria, allergy, cold, water into the ears, ear pain accident, fungus, acne problem in the ear, ear to ear disease, including acute pain may be due to various reasons. Many painful earache.
Oh this time or any other finger or a cotton bud in the ear of the things that can not be inserted. Some of the treatment to reduce the pain of the ear can be easily domesticated. It is possible to very quickly get rid of ear pain. If this does not work, then get immediate medical attention.

Hot steam

Or a bottle of hot bag, hot water or a thin cotton cloth soaked in hot water to hold the ear. Hot vapor into the ear of the ear, the blood will increase. It will relieve ear pain.

Garlic and sesame oil

Antibiotics attack bacteria garlic ingredient ear pain upasame work. Two tablespoons sesame oil, 1 teaspoon garlic smashed or 3 minutes to boil. Let cool and strain the garlic with the oil. 21 drops of the oil in the ear through the oil cooler. The pain can be reduced.


Other ayantiinaphlemetari material upasame quick ear pain is quite effective. Contuse or 3 drops of ginger juice of the fresh ear through the day. To relieve pain. Also, ginger and sesame oil, enhanced oil smashed into the ear can, is still working well.

Olive oil

Olive oil is warm. While lukewarm 3-4 drops of olive oil into the ear with the dropper. It will be released from the pain of an ear infection caused by too fast.


Onions are many effective antiseptic. Great Onion or chip brush with the juice of 3/4 a day at least 3 times will drop into the affected ear. The ear pain will go away.


Stay with salt and fry in a pan. Remove from the oven when it is dark brown salt retention with a clean cloth wrapped the ear, this salt is heated to vaporization. It will relieve ear pain immediately.


Monday, June 15, 2015


Trauma: Dental trauma refers to injury to the teeth and/or peridontium  (Gum, PDL, Alveolar bone) and near by soft  tissues-  Lips, Tongue .
1)    Automobile injury/RTA.
2)    Sports related.
3)    Falling while running/fall from height.
4)    Tube well injury(in rural areas).
5)    Acts of  violence(blow during fight).
6)    Epilepsy.
7)    Drug abuse.

Incidence :
Most dental injuries occur during 1st two decades of life ages 8-12 yrs. Frequent dental injuries occur ages 2-3  years.  Boys  tends more than girls.  Maxillary  anterior > than mandibular.

Clasification  :  There are too many types like…
1.     Ingle’s classification
2.     Andreasen classification
3.     Elli’s & Davey’s classification
4.     Garcia & Godoy classification

I want to tell/ highlight WHO classification(1978)
1.     Enamel fracture.
2.     Crown fracture involving enamel, dentin without pulp.
3.     Crown fracture with pulp involvement.
4.     Root fracture.
5.     Crown-root fracture.
6.     Luxation.
7.     Intrusion /Extrusion.
8.     Avulsion.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Trauma Pathfinder

Trauma Pathfinder






Examination of Traumatic Injuries

Examination of Traumatic Injuries…

Dental History:
1.          Time & place of injuries ( when & where ).
2.          Details about history ( how )
3.          Number of lost teeth/fragment.
4.          Previous history of trauma.
5.          Headache, vomiting, bleeding  from ear/nose

Dental History

Dental History

Dental History

Friday, June 12, 2015

Medical history

                   Medical history:
*      Congenital heart disease.
*      Bleeding disorder.
*      DM.
*      Epilepsy.
*      Current medication.
*      Tetanus.
*      Allergic reaction to any medication.

                   Clinical examination:
*   Extra-oral:
             Swelling , Laceration, Haemorrhage , TMJ.
*   Intra-oral:
.  Injury to alveolar bone & supporting structure.
.  Occlusal abnormality.
.  Fracture crown.
.  Mobility.
                        .  Discoloration of tooth.
.  Reaction to sensitivity (vital test).
.  Pocket depth( Around injured tooth).

Avulsion: It is defined as complete displacement of the tooth out of the socket.

v    Incedence:  0.5-16% in permanent dentition.
          7-13% in primary dentition.
v   General prognosis:
            Prognosis of permanent dentition is primarily depend upon formation of root development( open/close) & extra oral dry time. The tooth has best prognosis of replanted immediately . If the tooth is not replanted within 5 minutes, it should be preserved in a medium that helps to maintain the vitality of periodontal ligament & fiber.

Important medium inorder to preference-

Important medium inorder to preference-

Important medium inorder to preference-
ü      Viaspan TM.
ü      Hanks Balanced.
ü      Salt solution- NaCl, KCl, Glucose, CaCl2, MgCl2,  NaHCO3, Na(PO)4
ü      Cold milk.
ü      Coconut water.
ü      Eagle’s medium.
ü      Best buccal vestibule of own mouth.

>Primary tooth should not be replanted.
>Permanent tooth should not be replanted.


Thursday, June 11, 2015


Treatment should be three (03) situation occurs-

ü     Some one may telephone for advice about avulsed tooth ( immediate)-
ü     Clean the socket first with water spray or normal saline and never hold root surface of the tooth.
ü     Immediately replanted the tooth, apply flexible splint for upto two (02) weeks.
ü     In case of open apex – Allow for possible re-vascularization.
ü     In case of close apex- Initiate RCT 7-10 days after replantation and place (CaOH)2 , as ICM.

Conservative Management of Traumatized Anterior

Patient came < 60 mins with tooth kept in storage medium-
In case of OPEN apex….
Clean the socket first with water spray or normal saline and never hold root surface of the tooth.
Sock the tooth in Doxyclycline for 5 minutes.
Then re-planted the tooth with slight digital pressure.
Apply flexible splint for 2 weeks
appexification is recomanded.
In case of CLOSE apex…

Conservative Management of Traumatized Anterior

Patient came > 60 mins with tooth not kept in storage medium-

Debribe with soft pumice pro , gauge, gentle scaling , 3% citric acid for 5 minutes,  2% NaF for 5-20 mins/ cover the root with Emdogain before replantation.

Adjuvente therapy-  Antibiotic & Analgesics.
                           Tetanus prophylaxis.
Patient advice- Soft diet upto 02 weeks,
                   Gentle tooth brushing.
                   M/w:-  1% twice daily for 1 week.


* Microorganisms-suspected etiologic agent and patterns of local antimicrobial susceptibility
* Host factors-age, pregnancy, concomitant disease (s), host defense mechanism
* Site of infection, severity of infection
* Drug factors and previous antibiotics, etc.
* Appropriate specimens for Gram staining,
 culture and sensitivity test
should be taken prior to antibiotic treatment

Prevention of irrational prescribing

*To prevent irrational prescribing the following measures should be taken- a) making correct diagnosis; b) limiting the number of drugs; c) encouraging the availability of essential drugs; d) providing adequate training, drug information and Standard treatment guideline (STG) to the prescribers through continuing education, incorporating the concept of essential drugs; e) teaching of rational prescribing into the curricula of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and nursing; and f) finally providing effective public education of the consumers and on public.