Friday, May 29, 2015


1.Simple fracture : Fracture does not communicate to exterior .
2.Compound fracture Fracture communicate to exterior.
3.Communited fracture Two or more fracture line that communicated with each another.
4. GreenstickOne cortex is broken and other cortex being   bend.
5. Pathological Fracture due to preexisting bone disease.
6. Impacted One fragment is firmly driven into other

                      ACCORDING TO SITE

1. Symphyseal Midline fracture between central incisor
2. Parasymphyseal fracture Within the area of canines
3. Body Between canine and angle of mandible
4. Angle In the angle of mandible
5. Ramus Between ramus and sigmoid notch

6. Condular fractureIn the condylar process
7. Cononoid fracture In the coronoid process
8. Alveolar fracture The region that would normally contain teeth


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