Saturday, May 2, 2015

Dental Problems

There are many different types of dental problems that an individual may face throughout their lifetime. Some dental problems may include dental pain or dental surgery. It is recommended that all individuals have a dental care routine and to have a dental exam yearly. Some individuals may have dental conditions that require more than the standard dental care. Below are questions that individuals have asked the Experts in regards to dental problems.

What dental problems can cause bleeding gums and increased sensitivity?

Bleeding gums and increased sensitivity can be symptoms of the dental condition inflammatory gum disease. Other symptoms that may occur are tartar deposits. For a diagnosis of gum disease a dentist will have to be consulted and then a plan of treatment formulated. If the dental condition is beyond what a dentist feels comfortable treating then a referral may be made to a gum specialist, Periodontist.

Are some people more prone to dental problems like cavities?

Some people may be more prone to dental issues such as cavities, because of their genetics. Those that are genetically predisposed to have more dental issues may have to stick to a stringent dental hygiene regimen, and avoid eating multiple small meals throughout the day. Consultation with a dentist to come up with a plan of action to help increase prevention of dental problems is also advised.

What other dental problems can occur when an individual puts off having a root canal?

There are several dental problems that can occur if a root canal is put off. Problems such as tooth decay, which in turn can lead to more problems such as bad breath. More often than not if a root canal needs to be done to a tooth then the tooth in question is infected and possibly in a chronic manner. Not having the root canal done and putting it off can result in when the root canal is done, it failing or the tooth needing to be extracted. If the infection becomes an endodontic one, the more time the root canal is put off the worse it can get.

Can there be dental problems from trauma without a visible injury to the teeth?

In many cases this can be possible for dental problems to arise from trauma even if there is no visible injury or immediate pain to the teeth in question. A dentist should be consulted so that x-rays can be done to rule out any injuries that may go unseen such as a fracture to the root of a tooth, or damage done to teeth surrounding the injured area.

Dental symptoms such as bleeding gums and increase tooth sensitivity may be culprits of a dental condition such as inflammatory gum disease. Many individuals may have to adhere to a stricter dental hygiene regimen and a diet low on acidic fruits. Many individuals who suffer from dental problems and dental complications are not sure who they can turn to in order to receive reliable answers when unable to see a dentist. These individuals can turn to the thousands of Experts to have their questions answered fast and affordably.


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