Saturday, May 30, 2015

Physical Examination

ž   Inspection of the face for asymmetry.
ž   Inspect open wounds for foreign bodies.
ž   Palpate the entire face.
¡      Supraorbital and Infraorbital rim
¡      Zygomatic-frontal suture
¡      Zygomatic arches

                 Physical Examination

ž   Inspect the nose for asymmetry, telecanthus, widening of the nasal bridge.
ž   Inspect nasal septum for septal hematoma, CSF or blood.
ž   Palpate nose for crepitus, deformity and subcutaneous air.
ž   Palpate the zygoma along its arch and its articulations with the maxilla, frontal and temporal bone.

ž   Check visual acuity.
ž   Check pupils for roundness and reactivity.
ž   Examine the eyelids for lacerations.
ž   Test extra ocular muscles.
ž   Palpate around the entire orbits..

     Definitive Treatment

ž   Reduction
ž   Fixation
ž   Immobolization


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