Saturday, May 30, 2015

Energency Management Airway Control

ž   Control airway:
ž   Chin lift.
ž   Jaw thrust.
ž   Oropharyngeal suctioning.
ž   Manually move the tongue forward.
ž   Maintain cervical immobilization

Energency Management Hemorrhage Control

ž   Maxillofacial bleeding:
¡      Direct pressure.
¡      Avoid blind clamping in wounds.
ž   Nasal bleeding:
¡      Direct pressure.
¡      Anterior and posterior packing.
ž   Pharyngeal bleeding:
¡      Packing  of the pharynx around ET tube.


ž   Specific Questions:
¡      Is there pain with eye movement?
¡      Are there areas of numbness or tingling on your face?
¡      Is the patient able to bite down without any pain?
¡      Is there pain with moving the jaw?


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