dentis photo |
Dentists sundaraya and sustatara jannaYellow stain your tooth as white as free after missing sabhaSandaraya barale age of some of its tooth may fall, but normalSome water use ebom annanano mauthaoyasaDatera consequence of spots! Keep the tooth whiteSome advice.1. Dentists can remove aphacha Doug shot himself.Proper way to brush your tooth and use tuthapesataMauthaoyasa to regular use.II. Tuthapesata of gel or liquid (liquid) mauthaoyasaSome can stain tooth. Dentists surfaceJanna these lighter chemicals to polish or masunaContain substances. Stick material, such as bleach tooth naturalThe color does not change.3. With help booking barite tuthabrasera soda and one adultTried to stain tooth. Apples, pears and the like gajareDentists dirty dishes and eating some fruits and vegetables Annan abasesaAway. Cleaning tooth is chewing-gum cabaleo cinibihina.4. Parts of the body as well as the feeding of smoking harmful to tooth.Marc copper brown spots on the tooth and enamel cast.Brush the stain kothina taken. This is a smoke odor of breath
And several diseases, cancer and jhukita barei India.
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