Saturday, May 2, 2015

D   entist Question
and Answer
Q.   What is gum disease?
A. Gum disease (periodontal disease) is a chr
 onic infection that is most often caused by the
build up of dental plaque. Gum disease ra
rely shows symptoms before it is well
advanced. It is an infection that can wreak
havoc on your teeth and your overall health.
   Q. How serious a condition is it?
A. Scientific evidence is ev
 er growing that links gum di
sease (also called periodontal
disease) to a myriad of health problems
such as pneumonia and chronic respiratory
disease, heart disease, stroke, and pr
e-term and low-birth weight babies.
Q.   Does that mean gum disease can cause heart attacks?
A. No, there is no evidence at this time th
at gum disease directly
causes heart attacks.
However there is scientific evidence that s
uggests an associati
on between gum disease
and heart disease. Four scient
ific (prospective) studies have found an association between
periodontal disease and heart disease.
 One study, published in 1999 in
, found that among Canadians aged 36 to
69 individuals with a severe gum disease had a
three to seven times increased risk of fatal
heart disease.
Q. What is the connection between stroke and gum disease?
A. Researchers have found that those with poor
oral health may be up to three times more
likely to have a stroke. [Circulation 1999; 99:1121]
Q. What is the connection between wo
me   n with gum disease and premature low
bi rth-weight babies?
A. Research has shown that women with pe
riodontal disease may be
  up to 7 times more
likely to deliver a premature low birth-wei
  ght baby. While the risk
increases with the
severity of the disease, even women with mini
mal signs of the disease
are still at risk for
low birth-weight babies. [Annals of
Periodontology 1998; 3 233-250, and Journal of
Periodontology 1996; 67 (Supplement).]


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