Friday, November 20, 2015

No tooth decay 3 simple ways to prevent tooth decay in domestic

 tooth decay
dental care

Tooth pain is the leading cause of rigid or dantaksaya. This disease is known to many dentists insects. While medical science has no foundation. That is most of all dental diseases.
The tooth decay and teeth of the hole has become a common problem. Usually children, teenagers and adults is more prevalent this problem.

Tooth decay is the result of bacterial infection. Frequent snacks and drinks, eat snacks in the teeth for a long follow-up, inadequacy of fluoride, the dry mouth, the mouth does not admit hygiene, nutritional deficiencies and holes in the teeth and tooth loss of appetite, etc. due to the problem is the disease.

Other signs:

     Teeth are pain
     Eat or drink anything from mild to severe pain
     With teeth and holes can be seen
     Dentists in white, black or brown spots can be seen.

If the infection is not treated at an early stage if the pain gradually increased and can become unbearable and can lead to tooth loss potential. Filling the cavity treatment, teeth and wear caps and root canal dental condition is very bad. This is the most cost and painful treatment.

Some ways to reduce domestic dental pain. That way you know the samparkeh
1. Turmeric powder

The use of turmeric powder is very beneficial to dental problems holes. Yellow teeth bacterial infections that destroy bacteria destroying material that can relieve pain and inflammation resistant material that dentists. Make a paste of turmeric powder and mixed with water and gently apply it to the teeth, pain, pain can be reduced.

2. Onions

a slice of onion with dental pain can be reduced by pressing the top dentists. Onion plays regularly reduces the problem of tooth decay. When you eat onions tooth decay problems with the regular benefits.

3. Salt

Salt, antiseptic and anti-bacterial ingredients, which hinders the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation and pain to moderate. 1 glass of warm water 1 table spoon of salt mixed with 1 minutes and medical attention to.

Thus, the pain was reduced by 3 times a day. Also, 1 table spoon of salt or lemon juice with a little mustard oil misiye with gum paste and massage a few minutes. Take it with warm water and gargle. Thus, two times a day for a few days, the bacteria will be destroyed.

Also, baking soda, Aloe, cloves, garlic, mint, apple cider vinegar, etc., without having to use a bacterial infection and dental pain can be reduced. Brush your teeth in the morning and at night before going to bed. Use floss to clean the teeth and tongue every day to clean.


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