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Saturday, November 21, 2015

Various aspects of dental care

Various aspects of dental care

Medical care how much we do not do anything. But still face difficulties. There seems to be a lot of embarrassing problems. This is not entirely agree with the doctor. However, if you watch a lot of the problems can be eliminated easily. For healthy teeth and gums as well as the body is essential to good oral health.
Health of the teeth and mouth disease free life can not be expected to ignore. Dentists need for beauty as well as for the dental health needs. The first thing that comes to dental care to speak of it, eating habits. Dental health to a great extent dependent on the eating habits.
Eat and eat more than those who do not clean your teeth after a nice meal and stick to the teeth, their teeth and gums can be damaged very easily. So, like the teeth after eating and it's important to make it clear; As well as what you eat is very important.
Leafy-vegetable, fruit and fiber foods are good to eat more sweet foods as much as possible and eat better. In the non-vegetarian food should be given top priority. Now the questions are: when and how to brush your teeth?
And Matthew's important to brush your teeth for dental care on a regular basis. And the breakfast in the morning after the night before sleep and need to brush. Do not clean the teeth two times as many cases of dental problems will be less. Another thing to keep in mind is that, at least once a year to go to the dentist regularly check the teeth and mouth.
Because early diagnosis of any problems in the teeth or mouth moved quickly to treatment. No way to clean teeth rose, coal, ash, sand the damaged teeth, but it should not be used. And keep in mind that the use of stick by stick to teeth cleaning every part of the talks.
Users often do not stick or do not stick to the teeth, it becomes possible to clean. Despite the use of the stick is found to be damage to the teeth. And considering the teeth cleaning brush and pestai to the most readily available and beneficial for dental health.
So we need to know the proper use and how often to brush and brush should be about and how it should be.

How tuthabrasah
It is better to use a soft toothbrush to the middle. Please note that all of the pieces together salakagulora head tightly matched and have an equal place. However, notwithstanding the kind brasai, teeth and gums khadyakana away from the main purpose of execution to brush their teeth.

How to use a toothbrush:
Brush salakagulo scattered when the position came from the heads of state to come up and sticks can be curved to straight, and the brush is ready to use. There are usually two to three months of regular use of a brush can be used.

How to brush your teeth:
Brush teeth twice a day-morning and at night before going to bed to. Brush your teeth after every three or four minutes to clear plaque is not, to be sure.

The proper way to brush:
We are generally on the right, left, tried to brush the teeth on. But like most is that it is run from the top down and from the bottom to the top of the brush. If the food or garbage deposited in the gap teeth are clean, they are very slow at the beginning of the Brush teeth tightly around the turn will take a little shake to the teeth gap.
As will the brush, so that the teeth do not fall out of the outer or inner part. In addition to the brush and tooth paste can be cleaned. For example, the use of neem is used as redgram Brush. To be monitored, the khadyakana stick between your teeth or teeth have been cleaned.
After cleaning the teeth once stood in front of the mirror and take a look, like, really do not have to clean the teeth. Teeth are an important organ of the body. Dentists as well as the need for a beautiful smile, just chew food and to protect the beauty of the face and jaw teeth a lot of importance.
It is important to cleanse your teeth after eating and no food is not just resting on the face. And whenever any kind of dental problem would not hesitate to consult with the nearest dentist.

Friday, November 20, 2015

No tooth decay 3 simple ways to prevent tooth decay in domestic

 tooth decay
dental care

Tooth pain is the leading cause of rigid or dantaksaya. This disease is known to many dentists insects. While medical science has no foundation. That is most of all dental diseases.
The tooth decay and teeth of the hole has become a common problem. Usually children, teenagers and adults is more prevalent this problem.

Tooth decay is the result of bacterial infection. Frequent snacks and drinks, eat snacks in the teeth for a long follow-up, inadequacy of fluoride, the dry mouth, the mouth does not admit hygiene, nutritional deficiencies and holes in the teeth and tooth loss of appetite, etc. due to the problem is the disease.

Other signs:

     Teeth are pain
     Eat or drink anything from mild to severe pain
     With teeth and holes can be seen
     Dentists in white, black or brown spots can be seen.

If the infection is not treated at an early stage if the pain gradually increased and can become unbearable and can lead to tooth loss potential. Filling the cavity treatment, teeth and wear caps and root canal dental condition is very bad. This is the most cost and painful treatment.

Some ways to reduce domestic dental pain. That way you know the samparkeh
1. Turmeric powder

The use of turmeric powder is very beneficial to dental problems holes. Yellow teeth bacterial infections that destroy bacteria destroying material that can relieve pain and inflammation resistant material that dentists. Make a paste of turmeric powder and mixed with water and gently apply it to the teeth, pain, pain can be reduced.

2. Onions

a slice of onion with dental pain can be reduced by pressing the top dentists. Onion plays regularly reduces the problem of tooth decay. When you eat onions tooth decay problems with the regular benefits.

3. Salt

Salt, antiseptic and anti-bacterial ingredients, which hinders the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation and pain to moderate. 1 glass of warm water 1 table spoon of salt mixed with 1 minutes and medical attention to.

Thus, the pain was reduced by 3 times a day. Also, 1 table spoon of salt or lemon juice with a little mustard oil misiye with gum paste and massage a few minutes. Take it with warm water and gargle. Thus, two times a day for a few days, the bacteria will be destroyed.

Also, baking soda, Aloe, cloves, garlic, mint, apple cider vinegar, etc., without having to use a bacterial infection and dental pain can be reduced. Brush your teeth in the morning and at night before going to bed. Use floss to clean the teeth and tongue every day to clean.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

What are the symptoms of damage to the kidneys

Early kidney disease, kidney disease or any other cause gradually over months or years, he began to lose effectiveness if the two kidanirai chronic or slow kidney failure (Kidney Failure) is called. Without a healthy kidney and other functions are completely healthy and normal, but can be broken. Two kidanirai destroyed 50 percent of the body is healthy and normal, healthy people, causing a (kidney donor - Kidney Donor) or another close relative of the patient to kidney failure (kidney recipient) without having to donate a kidney is healthy, normal live. Kidney failure if both kidneys are damaged over 50 percent and 75 percent of the trend is to start as soon as the symptoms could be damaged and destroyed over 95 percent of the artificial (dialysis or kidney merger) is not possible to keep the patient alive, called and Stage relala pheilyura (End Stage Renal Failure).

Because the kidneys to lose
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Because the kidneys to lose
  1. Glomerulo nephritis, or inflammation kidney disease chakani 50-55%.

    2. Diabetic kidney disease 1520%.

    3. 10-15% of high blood pressure and kidney disease.

    4. Kidney or urinary stones on the road and 7-19% for any other reason badhajanita disease.

    5. Jibanujanita the kidney or urinary disorders 5-7%.

    6. 3-5% hereditary kidney disease.

    7. Osudhajanita 3-5% of kidney disease.

    8. Other and unknown.

Symptoms of damage to the kidneys
As has been noted earlier, two of the seventy-five percent of kidney function is lost, until the symptoms of kidney failure. Due to the importance of having a little of the early stages of kidney disease patients can not fathom. When kidney failure patients over 75 per cent slump in appetite, poor apathy, vomiting share, vomiting, body gradually become pale, weakness and other physical symptoms. You also notice a change in the amount of urine, increased tendency to urinate at night. Scratchy body without any symptoms of skin disease, when he became hecaki and in many cases can lead to convulsions. Once patients reached the final stage of trouble breathing, severe shortness of breath speed, doze though, could have lost the knowledge of the patient.

Check the patient's blood shortage is understood. High blood pressure in most patients (Hypertention) was diagnosed. In some cases the patient can be seen in the water because of the subject's body. In some cases, the skin may be dry. Some patients showed signs of heart pheilurera hripandera water and cover. In many cases, even the muscles of their feet dry, which means the patient usually has lost the power of mobility.

Damage to kidney disease
Chronic renal failure (Chronic Renal Failure) for the diagnosis of the patient's symptoms, history, physical examination, primarily in blood urea (Serum Urea), kriyetenina (Serum Creatinin) and electrolyte (Electrolyres) are examined. With a decline in kidney function blood urea, increased kriyetenina. Baikarboneta K and decreases the amount continues to grow. Phosphate also began to accumulate in the body, which was forced to reduce calcium and other side effects have to be started. What then is the slow kidney failure urine tests to determine eyalabumina (Albumin) and red and white blood cells ensure that there is to be seen whether the. 4-hour urine protein needs are met. Eyalabumina more than 4 hours of urinary one kidney pheilurera primarily because it is regarded as a glomarulonephraitisa.

For kidney structure Education and plain abdominal X-ray is done. When the two last stages of kidney function and kidney shape is smaller than usual. Gromarulonephraitisa or jibanujanita is considered to be the cause. If the kidneys do not grow in the shape of small inner branches kyalisesa or if swelling Obstructive iuropyathike found to cause kidney failure is considered. If there are multiple cysts in both kidneys hereditary kidney disease or kidney disease palisisatika (Polycystic Kidney Disease) is conceived. Patharajanita also due to complications from kidney failure or prostetajanita whether the alatrasanograma and X-ray can be taken.

In addition to the experiments described in patients with kidney failure, hepatitis-B virus, C-virus, HIV (AIDS) virus that needs to be seen. A chest X-ray, ECG blood hemoglobin, blood group, HLA antigens, these specialized tissues is required.

The treatment and prevention of damage to the kidneys

Depending on the patient's treatment due to kidney failure and on how much kidney function has been lost. There are many reasons for which we can improve the proper treatment, such as kidney disease badhajanita. There are some reasons not to like the kidneys become more and more useless it can take action, such as high blood pressure. Whatever the cause, however, that both kidneys have lost 95 per cent can be reversed when the kidneys are not allowed. These cases may require dialysis or a kidney in addition to treatment. Cikitsai very expensive and risky of the two. That's why proper diagnosis at the early stages of kidney disease treated by physician specialists. The need for social awareness about kidney disease, increasing the quality of services and treatment of basic knowledge. Every year, about 0 to 5 in the kidney of the patient has succumbed to kidney failure. They want to save treatment facilities.

Such facilities not only at the government level. Therefore, private entrepreneurs have come forward to wealthy individuals and society. You must create sophisticated dialysis and kidney attaching system. The close relatives of the donor kidney as well as for the extension will come forward. One of the two healthy kidneys to kidney patients gave the sick to the healthy living and the increase in social status. Then it will be possible to save the patient of kidney failure.